Q) Who is affiliated with The Soap Scent Review and who sponsors the board?
A) There are no retail, wholesale or supplier affiliations or sponsors.
The board is an independent board. I sponsor the board. I pay to host the board.
It's a board for soapers by soapers. I'm a soaper, like you.
There were quite a few of us involved in the initial set-up of the board in 2003.
When Elaine T was no longer able to host the site I inherited it.
When I'm old and grey

Q) Who can post reviews on The Soap Scent Review ?
A) Anyone who is registered on the board can post reviews, blends or feedback.
The board is set up to review fragrances, essential oils, flavour oils, and to post your
favourite essential oil blends. You may also leave feedback about supplier experiences.
Please keep in mind The Soap Scent Review is PRIMARILY for those who make soap
and toiletries (B&B).
Anyone and everyone may read ALL the reviews and ALL the posts on the Scent Review Board.
Q) My favourite essential oil / fragrance oil supplier is not listed. Will you add it ?
A) If your favourite supplier offers : cosmetic grade, soap safe (MP & CP & HP ) oils, and/or
cosmetic grade flavour oils, I will add their name and you may add reviews.
If the supplier does not receive any reviews within a reasonable length of time (1-2 months ?)
then I delete their name. This is done strictly for space purposes.
I will add the supplier name back quickly if/when required.
Q) How long does it take to be authorized for membership ?
A) When you register for membership on the Soap Scent Review I manually authorize
your membership. With RARE exception all new memberships are authorized within
a couple of hours.
Q) May I make a suggestion for a new idea ?
A) Yes, please do !! The new Lip Balm Flavour Oil section was added as per a member's request.